How It Works

Get set to take the 7 Sights Challenge this March.

Wherever you are, whatever your fitness level, get set to take the 7 Sights Challenge this March. Walk. Run. Paddle. Ride. Swim, however you like to move, get out, get active and capture a photo of seven themed sights along the way. Every sight you find, snap and share will help to save Australians from glaucoma blindness.

Get snapping on your own, in a group with family and friends or get a team together at work. It's sure to be a fun, rewarding challenge and memorable experience and all for a good cause!

How it works

1. Register

Sign up as an individual, team or workplace and set your fundraising goal to let others know you have joined the mission to save sight. Tell your friends to get involved too.

2. Fundraise

Share your fundraising goal and motivation for getting involved in this fun challenge and important cause. Ask everyone you know to support your fundraising efforts.

3. Find, Snap & Share

Walk. Run. Paddle. Ride. Swim, however you like to move. Challenge yourself to discover and snap seven themed sights. Share your pics with family and friends and ask them to help smash your fundraising goal!

Introducing the 7 Sights!

We have created seven ‘themes’ for you to set your sights on. Where will you go to find the best snaps?
You can find, snap and share your seven sights in any order and on any day during March, just remember to upload them to your dashboard because every sight you share helps take glaucoma out of the picture.

You could WIN some amazing prizes!

To celebrate and reward your incredible efforts we’ve got some amazing prizes* valued at $6,899 to give away throughout the Challenge. It’s our way of thanking you for joining this sight-saving mission to take glaucoma out of the picture.

- Everyone who registers goes in the draw to win a pair of Apple Air Pod Pro's valued at $399 

- Make a self donation to go in the draw to win a $200 Gift Card 

- Raise $24 in 24 hours (2 March only) and go in the draw to win a $200 Gift Card

- Raise $48 in 48 hours (23-24 March only) and go in the draw to win a $300 Red Balloon Experience Voucher 

- Receive donations on the last fundraising day (31 March) and go in the draw to win a $200 Gift Card

- The first 400 participants to register and join a University Team as a team captain or member

receive a Designs for Vision PD ruler valued at $5 

- The University team that raises the most funds will win a Designs for

Vision iCare HOME2 Self-Tonometre valued at $3600 

*Terms and Conditions apply. Click here for more information.

Your Impact

Did you know that 1 in 50 Australians will be diagnosed with glaucoma and risk going blind? Once diagnosed practical and emotional support is needed thoughout life. 

The money you raise will help us increase awareness and early detection rates and provide the critical patient education and support services that save sight. 

Your generous support is greatly appreciated.

Get ready to take glaucoma blindness out of the picture

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